Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

the project of my book is ghosts. how it may make a person change their perspective on ghosts' being real or not. after all, these journals are real stories.

i said that the main conflict in my novel was Character vs. Society moreso than Character vs. Supernatural. because the problem lies more with everybody thinking she is crazy or having seizures than with her really understanding that something strange was happening. also she always seems to have issues with getting a hold of imformation to help her investigation.

it might contribute to the project of the novel because some people might be able to relate to the feeling of doctors giving a diagnosis saying your epileptic, or somebody withholding a suicide letter that has a significant portion of it speaking directly to you.

i think the fact that the story takes place in the real world, and not in a fantasy world really makes it seem more realistic enough to relate to