Friday, February 29, 2008

Blog Book

ay wats good ya'll. umm... i ain't picked a good book yet, can ya'll give me some good titles so i'm not stuck reading some boring book like "To Kill A Mockingbird"


Kiersten said...

hmmm, I can't think of any yet..
maybe mr.downey will leave you a comment of a long booklist.

Kiersten said...

Mkay i will.
I know a bit about now since the internet is a great but life ruining source.

Aim High said...

If you could at least read at a high school level, 'To Kill A Mockingbird' might not seem so boring. But that's just my opinion. Good luck. (knowlege is power!!!)

Aim High said...

Well I might find it interesting seeing how I was reading at a post high school level 5th grade. It's a classic. It has to be good.

jacob sharrah said...

dawg, im going to read "slaughter house 5". its sounds ok. but u never know....... lol lates!

-jacob sharrah

Aim High said...

Do you still know how to read in Jap?