Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

the project of my book is ghosts. how it may make a person change their perspective on ghosts' being real or not. after all, these journals are real stories.

i said that the main conflict in my novel was Character vs. Society moreso than Character vs. Supernatural. because the problem lies more with everybody thinking she is crazy or having seizures than with her really understanding that something strange was happening. also she always seems to have issues with getting a hold of imformation to help her investigation.

it might contribute to the project of the novel because some people might be able to relate to the feeling of doctors giving a diagnosis saying your epileptic, or somebody withholding a suicide letter that has a significant portion of it speaking directly to you.

i think the fact that the story takes place in the real world, and not in a fantasy world really makes it seem more realistic enough to relate to

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fourth Assignment

The Mood that the text made me feel when Eleanor Druse pulled back the curtain of the person in the hospital bed next to her seemed really important. the girl had both eyes open but rolled to the back of her head, both hands rigidly extending outwards with her fingers bent like the letter E in sign language, her jaw was unhinged, and she violently jerked from time to time. i think it symbolizes the fact that the ending conclusion was going to be non-fixable.

The whole general setting, i think, has a significant meaning. just the fact that it's a small town in the middle of Maine. it has to be the tiniest place and the farthest corner of the map. it sounds self-explanitory to me. it has to symbolize not expecting help, or something...

i also think that because 4 people have died......... that it has importance. it symbolizes that something is going severely wrong in the hospital. unfortunately, nobody takes heed to it, they say "screw it, this is a hospital, people die here everyday." not knowing that they might be the next ones to DIE>>........

Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assignment

i wouldn't say that my story is an original story. i would say that my story is just being told in an original way. i bet that if i read more into the book that i would start to notice familiar elements from other stories, but that's because everybody experiences that same things. some might experience more elaborate things than others, but we all go through life and learn the lessons of life. That's what writers express in their stories. so, yea... i could see aspects of original pieces, but can never be told in the same way.
i don't believe that a writer to this day can make a completely new story... without using some pieces of another story. a story could just say 'a guy was walking down the street', if that was written in another book then you already know, does that make it unoriginal?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment - Character

  1. i think the main character of my novel is Eleanor Druse. the narrator is revolving all importance around this character. She is a caring character that only wishes to help. on page 8, Eleanor's son Bobby talks about how the weather is terrible and that black ice covers the streets and she should not drive to the hospital for a childhood friend... but she drives anyway. She said she wished to be with her in her time of need.
  2. So far, from what i have read, I am most like Bobby because i would want to look out for my mother too. i am good at time management, and Bobby manages time well also.
  3. I hear nothing... no sounds, no whispers, no faint ringing in my eardrums. I hear silence. I can taste peace. i have a hunger for it, i want it, I'm almost there. I see myself... dying, watching as the doctors and nurses rush into the room that my body is in. i'm watching them struggle to bring me back to conciousness. i feel the cold wrapped around my body like a blanket, comforting me. its getting darker. i am getting farther and farther from the room and the doctors. i am almost at peace but, i'm going back! the room starts to get closer, i start to hear noises, faint, but noises all the same....................

My Book

I am reading "The Journal of Elanor Druse" written by Stephen King. it is about the full investigation on the Kingdom Hospital incident in Lewingston, Maine (ghost story). i choose this book because i was interested in something that could attempt at scaring me into finishing the book faster lol. i'm tryna get a good grade ya digg

Friday, February 29, 2008

Blog Book

ay wats good ya'll. umm... i ain't picked a good book yet, can ya'll give me some good titles so i'm not stuck reading some boring book like "To Kill A Mockingbird"