Friday, March 28, 2008

Fourth Assignment

The Mood that the text made me feel when Eleanor Druse pulled back the curtain of the person in the hospital bed next to her seemed really important. the girl had both eyes open but rolled to the back of her head, both hands rigidly extending outwards with her fingers bent like the letter E in sign language, her jaw was unhinged, and she violently jerked from time to time. i think it symbolizes the fact that the ending conclusion was going to be non-fixable.

The whole general setting, i think, has a significant meaning. just the fact that it's a small town in the middle of Maine. it has to be the tiniest place and the farthest corner of the map. it sounds self-explanitory to me. it has to symbolize not expecting help, or something...

i also think that because 4 people have died......... that it has importance. it symbolizes that something is going severely wrong in the hospital. unfortunately, nobody takes heed to it, they say "screw it, this is a hospital, people die here everyday." not knowing that they might be the next ones to DIE>>........

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