Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment - Character

  1. i think the main character of my novel is Eleanor Druse. the narrator is revolving all importance around this character. She is a caring character that only wishes to help. on page 8, Eleanor's son Bobby talks about how the weather is terrible and that black ice covers the streets and she should not drive to the hospital for a childhood friend... but she drives anyway. She said she wished to be with her in her time of need.
  2. So far, from what i have read, I am most like Bobby because i would want to look out for my mother too. i am good at time management, and Bobby manages time well also.
  3. I hear nothing... no sounds, no whispers, no faint ringing in my eardrums. I hear silence. I can taste peace. i have a hunger for it, i want it, I'm almost there. I see myself... dying, watching as the doctors and nurses rush into the room that my body is in. i'm watching them struggle to bring me back to conciousness. i feel the cold wrapped around my body like a blanket, comforting me. its getting darker. i am getting farther and farther from the room and the doctors. i am almost at peace but, i'm going back! the room starts to get closer, i start to hear noises, faint, but noises all the same....................

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